czwartek, 1 listopada 2007

The Creation of Hybrid Cars

The creation of hybrid cars is not something unique to this century. Hybrid cars have been being developed since as early as 1839. People, even then, saw the need for something different.
Hybrid cars have recently became huge because of the benefits they offer. They are less polluting and use less gas then traditional cars. Additionally, hybrid cars depreciate slower and provide a great investment.
Look at the following timeline to see how hybrid cars and the creation of them has evolved over time from 1839 to present day:
1839: The first electric vehicle was built in Scotland by Robert Anderson.
1870's: A car with an electric motor was developed. This car had problems, though. The batteries that powered the electric motor were heavy and therefore the speed and abilities of the car were limited.
1880's: In England the use of electric taxi cabs were common. These cabs used a small electric motor and battery pack. Also this century the Immisch & Company created a four passenger carriage that ran off a motor powered by a battery. Also developed was a three wheeled electric car.
1900's: The early 1900's were a time of great improvements and advancements in electric vehicle technology. The lead-acid battery and the nickel-iron battery were created. The London Electric Cab Company regularly used electric cars. Mainly they used the Bersey Cab, a battery powered electric motor vehicle that could travel 50 miles before needing charged. Also this century the Pope Manufacturing Company in the United States built 500 electric cars in two years. Towards the end of the 1900's the Lohner Electric Chaise, the first electric car from Porsche, was introduced as the first front wheel drive vehicle. The Electric Carriage and Wagon Company introduced 12 electric cabs.
Early 1900's: In the early 1900's American companies began working with hybrids. They produced steam power and electric power vehicles that year that outnumbered the amount of gasoline powered vehicles they made. The first actual hybrid of electric and gasoline was made in 1903 by the Krieger company. Also tin the 1900's Henry Ford's creation of the self-starting gas engine made the interest in hybrids decline rapidly.
Late 1900's: In 1966 the US government introduced a bill suggesting the use of hybrid vehicles to help reduce air pollution. When gasoline prices soared in the 70's and concern over pollution from automobiles came to an all time high, auto manufacturers began once again looking into hybrid vehicles. In 1997 Toyota introduce the Prius, which was the beginning of the hybrid revolution.
Today: Hybrid cars are now being made by every major auto manufacturer. They are no longer being looked at as an option, but the standard for the future of the automobile industry.

by Joseph Then

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